

Body Wisdom For Life
Play as if Your Life Depends on it!
This unique offering will allow you to…
- Engage your creativity, movement & Self-expression through the support of InterPlay forms; making insight and breakthroughs more likely.
- Embrace your self-expression in supportive community. Be your playful, silly, imperfect and deeply sincere self.
- Show up as you are. Regardless of our life circumstances or mood of the day, we come together to play without needing to change who or how we are.
- Offer one another the deep nourishment of being seen and accepted which strengthens our creativity, risk taking and celebration in community.
Registration Limited to 12 participants
Contact TraceyJoy to register
[email protected]

28th Annual
Women of Wisdom Conference
March 14th - 16th, 2020
Radiate Loving Harmony
Unite Our World
on Whidbey Island, WA
in the Twin Cities, MN
on Whidbey Island, WA
in the Twin Cities, MN
Dates in 2023 to be determined.
To receive emails about upcoming events on Whidbey Island,
send a message using the "contact" tab (above).
Growing Your Resilience
an embodied approach
Fostering your ability to recover quickly from difficulties.
Growing Your Resilience
an embodied approach
Fostering your ability to recover quickly from difficulties.

Deep Relationship with yourself & the world
Dates and times to be determined,
based on interest.
Dates and times to be determined,
based on interest.
Individual Sessions available on Zoom
Individual Sessions available on Zoom